Sunday, September 30, 2012

Newsletter October 1-5

Apples Apples!

October is here and we are ready for fall, more pumpkins and apples!  This week we will be studying apples to prepare for our field trip to Center Grove Orchard on October 8th.  Remember, we will be leaving preschool at 9:00 and returning at 11:30, or shortly after.  If you have not turned in your permission slip or your $4.00, please do this as soon as you can.  If you misplaced your permission slip, just let me know. 

We had a great week last week and the students are pumpkin experts!  I hope that they all went home and retold the story of how a pumpkin grows, if not, ask them!

I am beyond amazed at how well the students are doing with the classroom routine and learning the importance of working together and being kind.  Simply amazed!

This week we will begin our Handwriting Without Tears curriculum.  You will see some worksheets coming home that might seem a little silly, but I promise, they are learning how to hold a pencil correctly and developing fine motor skills through these lessons, which will give them the confidence for writing letters, which will begin next week!    

Important Notes!

Field Trip October 8th-Bring $4 for admission and permission slip.

No school October 9th and 12th due to professional development. :(

If you have any questions or concerns, please email or call.  Thanks!

Saturday, September 29, 2012


 Another "Student Teacher"!

Great helpers!

We LOVE yoga!  Here we are reviewing the life cycle of a pumpkin through yoga!

Seed is sprouting!

Now, it's a BIG pumpkin!

Shape Hokey Pokey!


Pumpkin vines!


We love messy learning!


Rainbow Day!

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Preschool Fun!

 We have had a busy busy week, learning all about pumpkins during our unit study and colors during art!  We are so proud of how well we are making friends and following directions. 

Here, this little lady is taking orders at the preschool restaurant.   This is an easy way that we sneak literacy into our centers and it helps develop great fine motor skills.

 A wonderful spot for some writing.

Cardboard and tape= happy contruction worker.

Some of us really were listening during our bible story.  Two by Two!

More writing fun!

Jam time!

Painting sensory pumpkins.

Great job cutting!

Construction work in the block center.

Play-Doh made by the preschool students.  Great job following the recipe!


Our "Student Teacher"!  They love reading to the class.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Center Grove Orchard


We will be heading to Center Grove Orchard on Monday, October 8th to end our unit study on pumpkins and kick off learning about apples.  

We will leave preschool at 9:00 and be back at 11:30 or shortly after.  Please remember to fill out your permission slip and bring $4.00 to pay for your child's admission.  


Sunday, September 23, 2012

September 24-28

Unit Study- Pumpkins, Fall/ Colors changing

This week we will continue talking about the color of the day, but our assessments have indicated that we all know our colors and don’t need to spend a lot of time on them.  Since it is officially Fall, we will be discussing how the colors are changing and continue doing lots of activities with pumpkins.  We will count pumpkins in the math center, paint pumpkins in art, sing about pumpkins in music, write about pumpkins in our journals (ask your child about their new journal), twist our bodies like pumpkin vines in yoga, and play with our pumpkin colored play-doh!  I think we might be sick of pumpkins by the end of the week. ;)

Things you can do at home-
Help your child develop fine motor skills for writing by playing with play-doh, writing in shaving cream, counting and picking up small items, such as pennies, gumballs, etc.  We are working hard to gain the skills to write our names. 

     Just a note…
Keep checking our blog for updated photos of your children and a look into what is happening in our classroom! 
Fall field trip is coming up, be checking your child’s bag with the details.  J

Color Days!

Monday- Green
Tuesday- Blue
Friday- Rainbow

Friday, September 21, 2012

So Much Learning!

Classroom rules are a team effort!  The students did amazing coming up with the rules for our classroom.

Listening Center is literally a "corner"...the children love this little spot in our classroom.

Sick babies and LOTS of doctors to care of them.

 The doctors are discussing what the treatment will be.

Our adorable little chefs making a special birthday cake.  It was soooo yummy!

Uh oh, now the mommy is sick.  I love how one friend holds the hand of the "sick" friend while the doctor examines her.  So super sweet.

 She LOVES listening to music and "reading" along with the songs.  :)

 Construction zone.

Bible stories.

 We love our super cute and easy puppet theatre!  So much wonderful learning takes place as these children perform for their friends.

So cool how they figured out if they make slits in the cardboard, they can fit the pieces together.  Genius material right here!  ;)  We gave them cardboard and tape and they stayed at this task for a looooong time.  LOVE them!

She writes the script for the puppet show.  Love these early literacy skills happening through play!

Making orange play-doh on orange day!  So messy and so much fun!  The students had to help read the numbers on the recipe to measure the ingredients and learned that mixing red and yellow make orange!  Can you say lots of math, science and literacy in such an easy project?

 GREAT helpers!

Not sure if this is the doctor's office or market, or possibly both.  ;)

 Bingo dotter FUN!

 Patterns are showing up everywhere during this small group activity!

 Have I mentioned that Ms. Malissa and Ms. Hollie LOVE their job?   We are having an absolute blast and adore our class of little blessings and their amazing families!  Can't wait for another week of fun!
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